6. Newsletter Designs

Newsletter Designs



This is my final design for the organisation newsletter that I have been asked to create. This will be used for when the organisation wants to give out a document periodically containing information about what is happening within the organisation. The clients asked for there to be space for 4 notifications, a title space and a suitable font. I have been asked to create this design in Microsoft Word so that it is user-friendly for the clients.

Step 1:

Screenshot 5

Once I created a new document, I clicked on the “Insert” tab and then clicked “Text Box” to select that. I proceeded to draw 4 identical text boxes which will be used for the user to input text into the document.

Screenshot 2

This is the how the document looked after I inserted and placed the text boxes appropriately.

Step 2:

Screenshot 4

Next, I clicked on the “Insert” tab once again and clicked on the drop down box labelled “Shapes” to select a basic line. I used these lines to separate key parts of the document so the client knows where to put each part of the information. This also makes it easier for the client to read.

Screenshot 3

This screenshot shows what the document looked like after the text boxes and the separation lines were implemented.

Step 3:

Screenshot 1


Then I needed to import pictures onto Microsoft Word. I did this to place social media logos and my own logo onto the document. I did this by clicking on the “Insert” tab again and selecting “Pictures. This took me to my files where I selected the appropriate images to place onto the document.


This is what the document looked like after the images have been implemented. This screenshot also shows the finished newsletter that I will be sending off to the client.

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